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The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy defines psychotherapy as:


a safe and confidential space for you to talk... about your issues and concerns (with a) therapist who will

help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better

understanding of yourself and others


My integrated approach to psychotherapy allows me to work within the therapeutic space of the client-therapist relationship whilst also combining the practical benefits of other therapeutic approaches.  These could include  cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), solution-focused brief therapy and various art therapies, as appropriate. 


As a psychotherapist I will never tell you what to do.  Rather my aim is to provide you with a safe and nurturing space to explore the emotional and behavioural difficulties you may be experiencing.  Therapy can help you develop your own insights, understand hidden causes of your issues and identify your unique ways of thinking.  Through this work my hope is for you to reach a deeper understanding of yourself that allows you to overcome problems and move towards a more balanced, healthy and satisfying way of being.


Psychotherapy can help you with many life problems including: 


Abuse - abuse can be physical, verbal or being treated in a controlling manner.  If you feel you are being treated in an abusive way, psychotherapy will provide a space for you to talk without judgement and help break the cycle of abuse.


Addiction - addiction is when you do not have control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.  If you feel you may have addictive behaviours, psychotherapy will help you address the cause of your addiction and in turn help you stop addictive behaviour.


Anger -  most people feel angry sometimes, but it could be that you are no longer able to control this emotion.  If you feel that your anger is adversely affecting you life, psychotherapy will help find the cause of your anger and develop ways to change your behaviour.


Anxiety - anxiety is a feeling of stress, fear or panic that can effect your life physically and mentally.  If you feel overwhelmed by worry, psychotherapy will help explore the origins of your anxious feelings and find ways of dealing with feelings as they occur.


Bereavement and loss - loss of a loved one, the break-down of a relationship or unemployment can cause huge grief and can bring up a range of emotions including guilt and anger.  There is no right or wrong way to feel but if your sense of loss feels overwhelming and you are finding it hard to cope, psychotherapy will provide a space in which you can come to terms with your loss.


Co-dependency - a co-dependent relationship is typically one where a couple depend on a level of imbalance between them, where one person takes charge and the other is more passive.  If you feel that you are overly reliant on your partner, psychotherapy will help you explore the underlying reasons for this way of relating and help you develop better patterns of being in a relationship.


Depression - depression is a sense of feeling persistently sad over a significant period of time and can be incredibly isolating.  If you feel that you can no longer cope with life this is an awful place to be and psychotherapy could help


Divorce and separation - dealing with divorce and separation can feel overwhelming, triggering many difficult emotions and giving you many questions to address.  If you feel that you need support whilst dealing with a separation, psychotherapy can provide this.


Illness - illness of any kind, especially when it is of a more serious nature, can lead to many different emotions. Psychotherapy can help work through these difficult emotions in an environment where the individual is able to express themselves freely without fear of being misunderstood, told how to 'feel' or burdening loved ones. 


Low self-esteem -  low self-esteem is a sense of feeling unworthy and can often come from our childhood.  If you feel that you are not good enough, psychotherapy will help you explore the reasons for your feelings and change your view of yourself.


Relationship issues -  our whole life is about relationships and often these can be difficult, within families, friends or with your partner.  If you feel that your relationship is suffering and you cannot see a way to resolve it, psychotherapy can help you improve the way you relate with others and break from unhealthy behaviour patterns.


Stress - stress is a common feeling and can be very useful in helping us deal well with difficult situations,.  However if you feel that stress is overwhelming you and continues without relief, psychotherapy will help you to consider and manage life in a different way and help you develop healthy coping strategies.


Trauma - trauma is a psychological and emotional response to an event or experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing.  If you feel that you are struggling to deal with the impact of a trauma, psychotherapy can provide a safe place to work through your experience and pain.


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - obsessive compulsive disorder is a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears that lead you to carry out repetitive behaviours.  If you feel you have obsessions and compulsions that interfere with your life and cause you distress, psychotherapy could help you recognise triggers and quit these compulsions.




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